Imported From England, Meynell Sundance Donald was the GB National Champion Puppy 2016! We imported Donald in October 2018, and are excited to have him!
We are so grateful to Greg Mously & Anu Makela of Meynell Sundance Jack Russell Terriers, of England for allowing us to bring this wonderful Jack Russell Terrier into our family and breeding program. We are so excited and honored to have him, and look forward to enjoying both him and his puppies!
Meynell Sundance Donald will be standing at stud starting in 2019, please contact us to find out more information.
Meynell Sundance Donald stands at 13.5” and is tri-colored with a broken coat.
Donald has been a very successful show dog. He is by Dude out of Wales.
Meynell Sundance Donald wins GB National Champion Puppy 2016!
- He is a very classy dog and also a sire of 8 puppies.
Our new wonderful stud, Imported From England, Meynell Sundance Donald, standing in the afternoon fall sun, enjoying his new home. 
Donald is sweet and shy, and what a lover this Jack Russell Terrier is! He was brought into our breeding program for his breeding, conformation, and ability.
Like many Jack Russell Terriers Donald, has the capability to do many activities including:
Showing for Confirmation
- As mentioned above Donald has been shown, he was Great Britain’s National Champion Puppy in 2016.
Classes are judged much like any other dog show. The winner is the dog that most closely matches the breed standard.
(Information taken from the JRTCA Jack Russell Terrier website.)
A sanctioned track is a straight course with a starting box at one end and a stack of straw bales at the other. A lure is attached to a string that is pulled along by a generator. The dogs are muzzled for safety. The first dog through the hole in the straw bales is the winner.
(Information taken from the JRTCA Jack Russell Terrier website.)
Go-to-Ground is an event that simulates a hunting situation. The terrier traverses a tunnel and attempts to find a quarry at the end of the tunnel. The tunnel has several turns to make it a harder for the terrier. The terrier with the fastest time to the quarry is considered the winner. The terrier must mark (i.e., bark, scratch, whine) to qualify the time.
(Information taken from the JRTCA Jack Russell Terrier website.)
Agility is a trial event in which dogs traverse a maze of obstacles and compete for speed and accuracy. Terriers jump through tires, zip through tunnels, scale a 5’7″ A-Frame, traverse a narrow “dog walk”, negotiate a see-saw, zigzag through closely spaced, upright poles and soar over a variety of challenging hurdles.
(Information taken from the JRTCA Jack Russell Terrier website.)
Obedience involves both the Jack Russell Terrier and the handler. Handler and terrier are required to perform a series of exercises that test the obedience of the Jack Russell Terrier. Each exercise is graded by the JRTCA obedience judge. Points may be subtracted for minor and substantial faults. You may praise dog at any time. You may reward with treat after each completed exercise and only after the judge says “Exercise complete”. This applies to all levels.
(Information taken from the JRTCA Jack Russell Terrier website.)
Youth competitors are expected to be on time, neat and workman-like, listen to and follow directions and show a genuine effort to communicate and work with their terrier. There is a great need to offer things for our youth to do with their terriers, particularly as it also provides a chance to learn. Our youth are the future of the breed which we are all struggling so fiercely to protect. They need to know they will be ultimately responsible for the well being of this great working dog and they can help its preservation. And it’s our job to teach them!
Trailing and Locating
(Information taken from the JRTCA Jack Russell Terrier website.)
Trailing and Locating involves the terrier tracking and locating a quarry (above ground). The terrier is judged on his ability to follow a line in a simulated natural hunting environment, to locate, mark and open on the quarry. The terrier is judged on a combination of time and accuracy. The terrier with the fastest time is not necessarily the winner.
High Jump
(Information taken from the JRTCA Jack Russell Terrier website.)
Many trials offer fun events for all terriers. These are non-sanctioned classes and are enjoyed by owners and their terriers. They can include: High Jump, Field Luring Courses, Timed Individual Racing, Super Earth, Weenie Bobbing and Retrieving, Muskrat Swimming Races, and more.
To The Jack Russell Terrier Everything Is About Hunting
Yes, always on his mind, is the fox, which is what he is created to hunt, his coloring, conformation, character, and intelligence, helps him get his pray.
The Jack Russell Terrier’s body is compact, of totally balanced proportions, the shoulders clean, the legs straight, and most importantly, a small chest.
The Jack Russell Terrier must be flexible, so he can get underground and catch his fox, rat, squirrel or even the neighbor cat. His flexibility allows him to maneuver underground.
His conformation allows him to follow his pray down narrow holes. The fox is a good model for the Jack Russell – where the fox can go, so must the terrier. Although originally bred for fox hunting, the Jack Russell is a versatile working terrier to a variety of animals, including the fox, chipmunks, rats and cats.